Oral Surgery in Winnipeg

You’ve had cavities filled before, and maybe you’ve even had a root canal. But what about oral surgery? When teeth are decayed or impacted, they may need to be extracted. If you want to permanently replace missing teeth, you might require dental implants. 

At Affinity Dental, we offer oral surgery services to patients who need them. Our team of dentists has the training, education, and experience to perform oral surgery. We’re happy to educate our patients about when these procedures are needed, what you can expect, and how to recover from them.

If you deal with dental anxiety, we offer several sedation options that can make you feel at ease during your procedure. You may be interested in oral sedatives, nitrous oxide, or IV sedation. We can discuss all of these options and determine which will work best for you.

Why Is Oral Surgery Necessary?

A natural tooth may cause discomfort if it is infected, decayed, or loose. In these cases, oral surgery is a necessary step toward better oral health:

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth tend to emerge between the ages of 18-25. But at this point, there may not be enough space for them to erupt properly. These third molars cause problems for many patients; they may crowd or damage your other teeth. To prevent future complications, a maxillofacial surgeon can remove your impacted wisdom teeth.

Dental Implants

A dental implant provides patients with a permanent replacement for missing teeth. During this procedure, an oral surgeon will install titanium roots into your jawbone. Once the area heals, they’ll attach an abutment to the titanium root, and an artificial tooth.

Tooth Extractions

When teeth are fractured, decayed, or infected, a tooth extraction may be necessary. Depending on the anatomy of the tooth, two different extraction methods are used.

The first is a simple extraction. This method is used when a tooth can be removed using dental forceps.

But if the tooth requires surgical intervention, a surgical extraction may be necessary. The dentist may need to make an incision, remove part of the bone, or cut the tooth into pieces. This method is often used on teeth that are close to nerves, have curved roots, or when the jaw bone is especially dense.

Recovering From Oral Surgery

Depending on which type of oral surgery you receive, recovery times will vary. But whether you’re healing from tooth extractions or a dental implant, here are a few important care tips: 

After a tooth is extracted, a blood clot will form in its place; this is an important part of the healing process. But this blood clot can be easily dislodged. To keep it in place while the site heals, avoid using a straw or smoking. These activities create a vacuum in your mouth and may result in a dry socket.

You will need to adjust your diet in the days following your surgery. Be sure to avoid any foods that are overly chewy, crunchy, or hard. Since your mouth will be especially sensitive, extreme temperatures will cause discomfort; try to stay away from hot or cold drinks.

oral surgery

Book A Free Consultation 

Are you concerned about your oral health? If you experience pain, discomfort, or sensitivity, you may require a tooth extraction or a tooth replacement. We can help. At Affinity Dental, your winnipeg dentist, we always welcome new patients to our clinic. Get in touch with us today to discuss which surgical procedure is right for you.